101 &About Conduit Installer... 103 The Netscape Address Book Pilot Sync tool is installed. You may now use the Palm Hotsync manager to synchronize your Netscape Address Book and Palm organizer address book. Press Uninstall to disable the Netscape Address Book Pilot Sync tool and enable your previous Palm address book synchronization. 104 The Netscape Address Book Pilot Sync tool is not installed. Press Install to enable address book synchronization between the Netscape Address Book and Palm organizer. Note that this will disable synchronization with the Palm desktop address book. 105 Netscape Address Book 106 Netscape Executable|netscape.exe|| 107 netscape.exe 108 Unable to find an installed version of Communicator that supports Pilot sync. Please locate a properly installed version of Communicator. 109 The selected version of Communicator does not support Pilot sync. Please select a version that does. 110 Restart HotSync Manager 111 Quit HotSync Manager 112 Install 113 Uninstall 500 Application 501 NABCND32.DLL 502 NABAPI32.DLL 503 Software\U.S. Robotics\Pilot Desktop 504 Software\Palm Computing\Pilot Desktop 505 506 507